If you would like to become a volunteer please follow these steps.
- Fill out our Confidentiality/Statement of Understanding Pledge and have it ready to upload before you proceed with this online volunteer form. You can download it by clicking HERE, then choose the file “Save As,” and place it in your documents folder for printing. You will need to fill it out, scan it, and have a digital copy available in order to complete this application. – Volunteer Application
- Provide two written references from people who know you well and can attest to the qualities you would bring to this work. Have them available as PDFs to upload as well when completing the application.
- The area coordinator will review your application and contact you when the training is scheduled.
- An interview will be scheduled after you complete the training.
- A criminal background check is required prior to beginning a volunteer journey.
List of Necessary Qualities as a Volunteer:
- Good communication skills
- Ease with people who are aging or ill; including sensitivity to their special needs
- Willingness to be open and to learn from others
- Ability to grow in self-knowledge
- Respect for philosophical or spiritual beliefs other than one’s own
Applications to Our Training Program Are Carefully Reviewed and Assessed with the Following in Mind:
- Unresolved grief issues and/or other issues related to a loss in the past year
- Ability to commit to participation in full training
- Self-awareness around personal boundaries, biases, beliefs, and motivations regarding support to caregivers and their recipents
- Ability to establish clear and appropriate boundaries between yourself and a client
- Ability to provide companionship to caregivers who are overwhelmed or to their care recipient who are unable to be left alone due to their needs
Attention: Please ensure you have completed the Confidentiality/Statement of Understanding Pledge and have two references ready to upload before you proceed.
Note: It is mandatory that all potential volunteers attend the full training as well as participate in a preliminary interview with the area coordinator. A criminal record check, two references, and a signed confidentiality form will also be required. Applications will not move forward until these requirements are met. If you have questions please call Rachelle at 250.505.4272.